
Your baby's first solid foods

When to start introducing solid foods


At the beginning, how much your baby eats is less important than getting them used to the idea of eating.





Why wait until around 6 months to introduce solids?

It’s a good idea to wait until around 6 months before introducing solid foods because:

  • breast milk or first infant formula provide the energy and nutrients your baby needs until they're around 6 months old (with the exception ofvitamin D在某些情况下)
  • if you're breastfeeding, feeding only breast milk up to around 6 months of age will help protect your baby against illness and infections
  • waiting until around 6 months gives your baby time to develop so they can cope fully with solid foods – this includes solid foods made into purées, cereals and baby rice added to milk
  • 您的宝宝会更有能力养活自己
  • your baby will be better at moving food around their mouth, chewing and swallowing it – this may mean they'll be able to progress to a range of tastes and textures (such as mashed, lumpy and finger foods) more quickly, and may not need smooth, blended foods at all



They'll be able to:

  • 保持坐姿并保持稳定
  • co-ordinate their eyes, hands and mouth so they can look at the food, pick it up and put it in their mouth by themselves
  • 吞咽食物(而不是吐回食物)


  • chewing their fists
  • 夜晚醒来(比平常更多)
  • 想要额外的牛奶饲料

These are all normal behaviours for babies and not necessarily a sign that they're hungry or ready to start solid food.

Starting solid foods will not make your baby any more likely to sleep through the night. Sometimes a little extra milk will help until they're ready for solid foods.


How to start solid foods


Do not worry about how much they eat. The most important thing is getting them used to new tastes and textures, and learning how to move solid foods around their mouths and how to swallow them.



Babies should not eat salty foods as it's not good for their kidneys, and sugar can cause tooth decay.

Tips to get your baby off to a good start with solid foods:

  • Eating is a whole new skill. Some babies learn to accept new foods and textures more quickly than others. Keep trying, and give your baby lots of encouragement and praise.
  • 花很多时间,尤其是起初。
  • 按照宝宝的速度走,让他们在饥饿或饱满时向您展示。当您的宝宝显示他们已经受够了的迹象时,停止了。这可能会牢固地闭上嘴或转过头。如果您使用勺子,请在提供食物之前等待宝宝张开嘴。不要强迫宝宝吃。等到下一次,如果他们这次不感兴趣。
  • Be patient and keep offering a variety of foods, even the ones they do not seem to like. It may take 10 tries or more for your baby to get used to new foods, flavours and textures. There will be days when they eat more, some when they eat less, and then days when they reject everything. Do not worry, this is perfectly normal.
  • 让宝宝喜欢触摸和拿着食物。一旦表现出兴趣,就可以让他们用手指喂食。如果您使用的是勺子,您的宝宝可能喜欢握住它或其他勺子尝试养活自己。
  • 在进餐时,请尽量减少注意力,并避免将宝宝坐在电视,电话或平板电脑前。
  • Show them how you eat. Babies copy their parents and other children. Sit down together for family mealtimes as much as possible.

Texture progression

Once you've started introducing solid foods from around 6 months of age, try to move your baby on from puréed or blended foods to mashed, lumpy or finger foods as soon as they can manage them.


Some babies like to start with mashed, lumpy or finger foods.

Other babies need a little longer to get used to new textures, so may prefer smooth or blended foods on a spoon at first.

Just keep offering them lumpy textures and they'll eventually get used to it.


When introducing your baby to solid foods, it's important to take extra care to not put them at risk.


  • 在准备食物之前始终洗手并保持表面清洁
  • cool hot food and test it before giving it to your baby
  • wash and peel fruit and raw vegetables
  • avoid hard foods like whole nuts, or raw carrot or apple
  • 从水果中取出硬pip和石头,以及肉或鱼的骨头
  • 将小的圆形食物(如葡萄和樱桃番茄)切成小块
  • 根据《英国狮子练习守则》(用红狮盖章)生产的鸡蛋被认为是沙门氏菌的风险很低,婴儿可以对婴儿进行部分烹饪

Always stay with your baby when they're eating in case they start to choke.

Choking is different from gagging. Your baby may gag when you introduce solid foods.

This is because they're learning how to deal with solid foods and regulate the amount of food they can manage to chew and swallow at one time.


  • 他们的眼睛可能浇水
  • they might push their tongue forward (or out of their mouth)
  • they might retch to bring the food forward in their mouth or vomit


  • 高脚椅。您的宝宝需要安全地坐在直立的位置(以便可以正确吞咽)。始终在高椅子上使用牢固安装的安全带。切勿将婴儿无人看管在凸起的表面上。
  • Plastic or pelican bibs. It's going to be messy at first!
  • Soft weaning spoons are gentler on your baby's gums.
  • 小塑料碗。您可能会发现有一个特殊的断奶碗,上面放着一个抽吸的碗来将碗固定在适当的位置。
  • 第一杯。介绍大约6个月的杯子,并提供一口用餐。使用开放式杯子或没有阀门的自由流杯将帮助您的宝宝学习饮食,并且对牙齿更有利。
  • A messy mat or newspaper sheets under the high chair to catch most of the mess.
  • 塑料容器和冰立方托盘可能有助于批量烹饪和冻结小部分。

Find out more:


Breast milk is the best food your baby can have during their first 6 months of life.


First infant formula is the only suitable alternative if you do not breastfeed or choose to supplement breast milk.


"Follow-on" formula is not suitable for babies under 6 months, and you do not need to introduce it after 6 months.

Babies do not need baby rice to help them move to solid foods or sleep better.

When using a bottle, do not put anything (such as sugar or cereals) in it other than breast milk or infant formula.


It's recommended that breastfed babies are given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10 micrograms (µg) of vitamin D from birth, whether or not you're taking a supplement containing vitamin D yourself.


This is because formula is fortified with vitamin D and other nutrients.


Find out more:

Feeding your baby: from around 6 months

When they first start having solid foods, babies do not need 3 meals a day. Babies have tiny tummies, so start by offering them small amounts of food (just a few pieces, or teaspoons of food).




Keep offering different foods, even foods your baby has already rejected.




You can continue breastfeeding for as long as you both want.



You might want to start with single vegetables and fruits.

Try mashed or soft cooked sticks of parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple or pear.



Make sure any cooked food has cooled right down before offering it to your baby.

Foods containing allergens (such as peanuts, hens' eggs, gluten and fish) can be introduced from around 6 months of age, 1 at a time and in small amounts so you can spot any reaction.


Full-fat dairy products, such as pasteurised cheese and plain yoghurt or fromage frais, can be given from around 6 months of age. Choose products with no added sugar.





Your baby can show you how much they want to eat, and it gets them familiar with different types and textures of food.

Offering your baby finger foods at each meal is a good way to help them learn to self-feed.

Finger food is food that's cut up into pieces big enough for your baby to hold in their fist with a bit sticking out.





  • soft cooked vegetables, such as carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, parsnip, butternut squash
  • 水果(柔软或煮熟而无需添加糖),例如苹果,梨,桃子,瓜,香蕉
  • 鳄梨的可抓毛
  • 煮熟的淀粉食品,例如土豆,地瓜,木薯,面食,面条,薄饼,米饭
  • 豆类,例如豆类和小扁豆
  • 没有骨头的鱼
  • 完全煮熟的蛋
  • meat without bones, such as chicken and lamb
  • sticks of pasteurised full-fat hard cheese (choose lower salt options)

婴儿-led weaning

婴儿-led weaning means giving your baby only finger foods and letting them feed themselves from the start instead of feeding them puréed or mashed food on a spoon.

Some parents prefer baby-led weaning to spoon feeding, while others do a combination of both.

There's no right or wrong way. The most important thing is that your baby eats a wide variety of food and gets all the nutrients they need.

没有更多的风险chokingwhen a baby feeds themselves than when they're fed with a spoon.

Find out more:






Gradually increase the amount and variety of food your baby is offered to ensure they get the energy and nutrients they need.

Try to include food that contains iron, such as meat, fish, fortified breakfast cereals, dark green vegetables, beans and lentils, at each meal.


  • 水果和蔬菜,包括带有苦味的味道,例如西兰花,花椰菜,菠菜和白菜
  • potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy foods
  • beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other non-dairy sources of protein
  • 巴氏灭菌的全脂乳制品,例如普通酸奶和奶酪(选择较低的盐选择)

As your baby becomes a more confident eater, remember to offer them more mashed, lumpy and finger foods.

Providing finger foods as part of each meal helps encourage infants to feed themselves, develop hand and eye co-ordination, and learn to bite off, chew and swallow pieces of soft food.


Feeding your baby: from 10 to 12 months

From about 10 months, your baby should now be having 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea), in addition to their usual milk feeds.


Breastfed babies will adapt their milk consumption as their food intake changes.


Remember that formula-fed babies should take a维生素D补充如果他们每天的配方奶粉少于500毫升。

All breastfed babies should take a vitamin D supplement.


They should be able to manage a wider range of finger foods, and be able to pick up small pieces of food and move them to their mouth. They'll use a cup with more confidence.


As your baby grows, eating together as a family encourages them to develop good eating habits.


Feeding your baby: from 12 months

从12个月开始,您的孩子每天都会吃3顿饭各种不同的食物, 包括:

  • 每天至少有4份淀粉状食物,例如土豆,面包和米饭
  • 每天至少有4份水果和蔬菜
  • a minimum of 350ml milk or 2 servings of dairy products (or alternatives)
  • a minimum of 1 serving a day of protein from animal sources (meat, fish and eggs) or 2 from vegetable sources (dhal, beans, chickpeas and lentils)

Your child may also need 2 healthy snacks in between meals.


  • 新鲜水果,例如苹果,香蕉或小块柔软,成熟,剥皮或桃子
  • 烹饪或生蔬菜,例如西兰花小花,胡萝卜棒或黄瓜棒
  • pasteurised plain full-fat yoghurt
  • sticks of cheese (choose a lower salt option)
  • toast, pitta or chapatti fingers
  • unsalted and unsweetened rice or corn cakes





From 2 years old, if they're a good eater and growing well, they can have semi-skimmed milk.



由于水平的水平,不应给5岁以下的儿童in these products.

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Next review due: 1 March 2022