


The abnormal heart muscle seen in cardiomyopathy is not caused by blocked arteries in the heart (coronary artery disease),高血压(高血压), disease of the heart valves (valvular disease) orcongenital heart disease.

Most types of cardiomyopathy are inherited and are seen in children and younger people.

Dilated cardiomyopathy



If you have dilated cardiomyopathy, you're at greater risk of心脏衰竭, where the heart fails to pump enough blood around the body at the right pressure.

Heart failure typically causes shortness of breath, extreme tiredness and ankle swelling. Learn more about thesymptoms of heart failure.


Who's affected?

Dilated cardiomyopathy can affect both children and adults.

The following can all play a role in the condition:

  • 继承改变(突变的)基因,使您更容易受到这种状况
  • an underlying medical condition
  • 不受控制high blood pressure
  • 一种不健康的生活方式,例如饮食中缺乏维生素和矿物质,喝太多酒精并使用休闲药
  • 导致心肌发炎的病毒感染
  • a heart valve problem
  • a disease of the tissues or blood vessels – such asgranulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA),sarcoidosis,amyloidosis,狼疮,多动性结节,血管炎或muscular dystrophy
    • 怀孕 - 心肌病有时会因怀孕的并发症而发展


More information

Read the British Heart Foundation and Cardiomyopathy UK's与扩张心肌病生活的小册子.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


The heart chambers are reduced in size so they cannot hold much blood, and the walls cannot relax properly and may stiffen. Also, the flow of blood through the heart may be obstructed.


In most cases, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy will not have an impact on daily life. Some people do not have any symptoms and do not need treatment.

But that does not mean the condition cannot be serious. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common cause of sudden unexpected death in childhood and in young athletes.

主心房会变得僵硬,导致较小的收集室的背压。这有时会恶化心力衰竭的症状,并导致abnormal heart rhythms (atrial fibrillation).

Blood flow from the heart may be reduced or restricted (called obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).

同样,二尖瓣心瓣会泄漏,导致血液向后泄漏。了解更多有关mitral regurgitation.

You'll also be at greater risk of developing a heart infection(endocarditis).


If you have severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, you'll need to see your doctor regularly so your condition can be monitored.


Who's affected?


More information

Read the British Heart Foundation and Cardiomyopathy UK's与肥厚性心肌病生活的小册子.



It results in reduced blood flow from the heart and can lead tosymptoms of heart failure, such as breathlessness, tiredness and ankle swelling, as well as heart rhythm problems.

In many cases the cause is unknown, although sometimes the condition can be inherited.

More information

了解更多有关restrictive cardiomyopathy来自英国心肌病。

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

In arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), the proteins that usually hold the heart muscle cells together are abnormal. Muscle cells can die and the dead muscle tissue is replaced with fatty and fibrous scar tissue.

The walls of the main heart chambers become thin and stretched and cannot pump blood around the body properly.

患有ARVC的人通常会有心律问题。从心脏流量减少也可能导致symptoms of heart failure.



More information




If you've been diagnosed with an inherited type of cardiomyopathy, you may be advised to have agenetic testto identify the faulty gene (mutation) that caused this.

Your relatives can then be tested for the same mutation and, if they have it, their condition can be monitored and managed early.

Treating cardiomyopathy


Not everyone with cardiomyopathy will need treatment. Some people only have a mild form of the condition they can control after making a few lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle changes

Whether the cause of cardiomyopathy is genetic or not, it should generally help to:


Medicines may be needed to control blood pressure, correct an abnormal heart rhythm, remove excess fluid or prevent blood clots.



In some people with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the wall dividing the left and right side of the heart (septum) is thickened and bulges into the main heart chamber. They may need to have either:

  • an injection of alcohol into their heart – this is to reduce part of the muscle in the septum
  • 间隔肌切除术 - 心脏手术以去除部分增厚的隔膜(如有必要,可以同时修复二尖瓣)


Or they may have a device implanted, such as:

  • a pacemaker to regulate the heart rate
  • an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) to prevent a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm

了解更多有关having a pacemaker implanted.

了解更多有关可植入的心脏逆转除颤器from the British Heart Foundation.

As a last resort, aheart transplantmay be necessary.




The main symptoms are chest pain and breathlessness, similar to those of a heart attack. Always call 999 if you or someone else experiences these.

这种病在医学上被称为Takotsubo心肌病或急性应激心肌病 - 在女性中更为常见。这是暂时的和可逆的。它再次发生是不寻常的。

