
A person with dementia will need more care and support as their symptoms get worse over time. This may mean that a move into a care home can better meet their needs.

If you have been helping someone live independently with dementia or are a carer, this can be a hard decision to make.

But it's important to remember that there can be many positive aspects to moving into a care home.

These include:

  • 护理人员24小时的支持
  • knowing that the person with dementia is in a safe place
  • social activities with other residents


Sometimes the person themselves can make the decision. But the person with dementia often lacks the ability to decide (mental capacity).


Read more about管理痴呆症患者的法律事务.

Try to talk to the person with dementia about their preferences regarding care in a home, even if they lack the capacity to make a decision over what care home is best for them.

First steps: getting an assessment

The first step towards choosing a care home is to get a new needs assessment from social services.


The financial assessment will show if the council will pay towards the cost of a care home.

In most cases, the person with dementia will be expected to pay towards the cost.

Social services can also provide a list of care homes that should meet the needs identified during the assessment.

你可以apply for a needs assessment by social services on GOV.UK.

The different types of care home


  • 住宅护理院
  • nursing homes

Some care homes offer both residential and nursing care places.

Care homes can be run by private companies, voluntary or charitable organisations, or sometimes by local councils.


Residential homes

These provide personal care, such as help with:

  • 洗涤
  • dressing
  • taking medicines
  • 去厕所

These are sometimes called care homes without nursing.




Find care homes with nursing services


最新的护理质量委员会(CQC)报告是最重要的事情之一。您可以在CQC find a care home directory.

The CQC regulates all care homes in England. Its inspection reports can show you how well a care home is doing and any areas of concern.


It's useful to take a friend or relative with you as you can compare notes after your visit.



You may already know of a care home through personal recommendation or from social services.


  • Is the care home near family and friends?
  • Are there good transport links?
  • 附近是否有商店,休闲设施和咖啡馆?


It's a good idea to ask to see a couple of bedrooms, as long as current residents are happy with this.


  • Can residents have their own room, with space for their own furniture and possessions?
  • 在卧室和居住空间的易于范围内是否有足够的厕所?
  • Is there a garden where residents can walk safely?
  • 是否在起居区分组安排椅子来鼓励社交而不是在房间的边缘周围进行社交?
  • Will the home meet specific religious, ethnic or cultural needs?
  • Are residents' food likes and dislikes catered for?




  • 所有员工都接受过痴呆症护理的培训吗?
  • Do staff seem interested and caring?
  • Is there a full-time activity co-ordinator specialising in dementia-friendly activities?
  • Do the staff hold regular relatives' meetings?
  • Is the home accredited under the Gold Standards Framework for end of life care?


The residents



  • Are residents treated with dignity and respect by staff?
  • 他们可以随时随地有访客吗?
  • Are there regular residents' meetings?
  • Have they got access to community health services, such as chiropodists and opticians?
  • 您能否继续以某种方式帮助您的亲戚,也许可以帮助他们进行活动?

Read more about护理院以及何时来自阿尔茨海默氏症社会的合适时间.

找出how to choose a care home on the Which? website.

Paying for a care home


If you're entitled to local council funding, the council will set a personal budget. This will set out the overall cost of a care home, what the council's contribution will be, and what you'll have to pay.

The council must show there's at least 1 suitable care home available at your personal budget level.

If you choose a care home that's more expensive than the council considers necessary, top-up fees may have to be paid.



If the person with dementia has complex health and care needs, they may be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare. This is free and is funded by their local integrated care board (ICB).




找出more aboutNHS继续医疗保健NHS资助的护理.

Read about在英国时代网站上支付住宅护理.




Next review due: 14 April 2025