
治疗-Varicose eczema


For many people, this involves long-term treatment with a combination of:



如果你也有静脉曲张, a GP may refer you to a vascular surgeon, who can plan any necessary treatment. Find out more about静脉曲张的治疗.


The following steps may help reduce the symptoms of varicose eczema and help prevent further problems:

  • try to avoid injuring your skin – injuries to your skin could lead to an ulcer developing
  • raise your legs when you're resting – for example, by propping up your feet on some pillows (ideally so that they're above the level of your heart), as this can help reduce swelling
  • keep physically active – this will improve your circulation and help you maintain a healthy weight


TheNational Eczema Society还建议定期弯曲脚并抬起脚趾或膝盖弯曲。


Emollients are moisturising treatments applied directly to the skin to reduce water loss and cover it with a protective layer. They're often used to help manage dry or scaly skin conditions such as eczema.

Choice of emollient

There are several different emollients available. Some can be bought without a prescription, but if you have varicose eczema it may be helpful to ask a GP to recommend a suitable product.

You may need to try several different emollients to find one that works for you. You may also be prescribed a mixture of emollients, for example:

  • 皮肤非常干的软膏
  • 奶油或乳液,以减少干燥的皮肤
  • 润肤剂代替肥皂


How to use emollients


To apply the emollient:

  • use a large amount – you should aim to cover all the skin on your lower leg, not just the obviously affected areas
  • do not rub it in – instead, smooth it into the skin in the same direction that the hair grows
  • apply every 2 to 3 hours for very dry skin
  • after a bath or shower, gently dry the skin, then immediately apply the emollient while the skin is still moist
  • 不要与他人共享润肤剂

It's very important to keep using emollients during a flare-up of varicose eczema, because this is when the skin needs the most moisture. Apply emollients frequently and in generous amounts during a flare-up.




Emollients added to bath water can make your bath very slippery, so take care getting in and out of the bath.

Topical corticosteroids

如果您的皮肤因静脉曲张的爆发而发炎,GP可能会开处方topical corticosteroid(applied directly to your skin) to quickly reduce the inflammation.

Different strength topical corticosteroids can be prescribed, depending on the severity of the varicose eczema.

If you have flare-ups of lipodermatosclerosis, you may need a very strong topical corticosteroid.

How to use topical corticosteroids


Most people only have to apply a topical corticosteroid once a day. When applying the medicine you should:

  • apply your emollient first and wait around 30 minutes (until the emollient has soaked into your skin) before applying the topical corticosteroid
  • 仅将其应用于受影响区域
  • 通常使用医生处方的局部皮质类固醇,通常为7至14天,并在爆炸清除后继续使用治疗48小时


If you need to use topical corticosteroids on a long-term basis, you should apply them less frequently. A GP will advise you on how often you should be applying them.




Generally, using a strong topical corticosteroid for prolonged periods will increase your risk of getting more serious side effects, such as thinning of the skin. A doctor can advise you about the strength of the medication you require and when you should use it.

Compression stockings


Medical compression stockings are used to treat varicose eczema and lipodermatosclerosis by improving the flow of blood through your leg veins and reducing the pressure in the veins.

Choice of compression stockings

Compression stockings are available in a variety of different sizes and pressures. They're also available in:

  • different colours
  • 不同的长度 - 有些人膝盖,有些也覆盖了大腿
  • different foot styles – some cover the whole foot and some stop before the toes

Support stockings or tights that lightly compress the legs can be bought from pharmacies. Compression stockings that compress the legs more are available on prescription and require you to be measured by a nurse first.


Wearing compression stockings




Speak to a GP if the stockings are uncomfortable, they do not seem to fit, or you have difficulty putting them on. It may be possible to get custom-made stockings that will fit you exactly.


Caring for compression stockings


You should be prescribed 2 stockings (or 2 sets of stockings if you are wearing 1 on each leg) so that 1 stocking can be worn while the other is being washed and dried. Compression stockings should be hand-washed in warm water and dried away from direct heat.


Some people try complementary therapies such as food supplements or herbal remedies to treat varicose eczema, but there is often a lack of evidence to show they are effective in treating the condition.


Page last reviewed: 25 October 2019
Next review due: 25 October 2022