




Where you can, choose wholegrain varieties, and eat potatoes with their skin on for more fibre.


Why do you need starchy foods?

Starchy foods are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet. As well as starch, they contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins.

Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram they contain fewer than half the calories of fat.


Starchy foods and fibre

Wholegrain varieties of starchy foods and potatoes (particularly when eaten with their skin on) aregood sources of fibre.





This makes wholegrain starchy foods and potatoes eaten with their skin on a particularly good choice if you're trying tolose weight.


Tips for eating more starchy foods



  • 选择全麦谷物,或将一些与您最喜欢的健康早餐谷物混合在一起。
  • Plain porridge with fruit makes a warming winter breakfast.
  • Whole oats with fruit and low-fat, lower-sugar yoghurt makes a tasty summer breakfast.

Lunch and dinner

  • 在午餐时尝试烤土豆 - 吃皮肤以使更多的纤维。
  • 不用薯条或炸土豆,而是尝试制作烤烤箱的土豆楔子。
  • 吃更多的米饭或面食,酱汁少 - 但不要跳过蔬菜。
  • 尝试诸如种子,全麦或粮仓之类的面包。当您选择全格兰品种时,您还会增加所吃的纤维量。
  • 尝试糙米 - 制成非常美味的米饭沙拉。




In the UK, we also get a lot of our vitamin C from potatoes. Although potatoes only contain a small amount of vitamin C, we generally eat a lot of them. They're good value for money and can be a healthy choice.

Although potatoes are a vegetable, in the UK we mostly eat them as the starchy food part of a meal, and they're a good source of carbohydrate in our diet.

Because of this, potatoes do not count towards your每天五部分水果和蔬菜, but they can have an important role in your diet.

土豆are a healthy choice when boiled, baked, mashed or roasted with only a small amount of fat or oil and no added salt.

French fries and other chips cooked in oil or served with salt are not a healthy choice.

When cooking or serving potatoes, go for lower-fat or polyunsaturated spreads, or small amounts of unsaturated oils, such as olive or sunflower oil.

For mashed potato, use lower-fat milk, such as semi-skimmed, 1% fat or skimmed milk, instead of whole milk or cream.


If you boil potatoes, some nutrients will leak out into the water, especially if you have peeled them. To stop this happening, only use enough water to cover them and cook them only for as long as they need.




Wholegrain, wholemeal and brown breads give us energy and contain B vitamins, vitamin E, fibre and a wide range of minerals.

白面包还包含一系列维生素和矿物质, but it has less fibre than wholegrain, wholemeal or brown bread. If you prefer white bread, look for higher-fibre options.

有些人避免面包,因为他们担心食物不耐受or allergy to wheat, or they think bread is fattening.



Bread can be stored at room temperature. Follow the "best before" date to make sure you eat it fresh.




This means cereal products consisting of oats or oatmeal, such as porridge, and wholewheat products are healthy breakfast options.


Many cereal products in the UK are refined, with low wholegrain content. They can also be high in addedsalt.

当您购买谷物时,请检查food labelsto compare different products.



There are many types to choose from, including:

  • 各种米饭 - 例如快速烹饪,Arborio,Basmati,长谷物,棕色,短谷物和野生
  • couscous
  • bulgur wheat

As well as carbohydrates, rice and grains (particularly brown and wholegrain varieties) can contain:

  • fibre, which can help your body get rid of waste products
  • B维生素,这有助于从您吃的食物中释放能量,并帮助您的身体正常工作


There are a few precautions you should take when storing and reheating cooked rice and grains. This is because the spores of some food poisoning bugs can survive cooking.

If cooked rice or grains are left standing at room temperature, the spores can germinate. The bacteria multiply and produce toxins that make you be sick (vomit) and have diarrhoea. Reheating food will not get rid of these toxins.




Rice should be reheated thoroughly, reaching a core temperature of 70C for 2 minutes (or equivalent) so it's steaming hot throughout.

米饭不应多次再加热 - 应该扔掉。除非安全地冷藏并将其保存在冰箱中,否则请不要再加热米饭,直到将其加热为止。

Follow the "use by" date and storage instructions on the label for any cold rice or grain salads that you buy.


Pasta is another healthy option to base your meal on. It consists of dough made from durum wheat and water and contains iron and B vitamins.

Wholewheat or wholegrain are healthier than ordinary pasta, as they contain more fibre. We digest wholegrain foods slower than refined grains, so they can help us feel full for longer.

Dried pasta can be stored in a cupboard and typically has a long shelf life, while fresh pasta will need to be refrigerated and has a shorter lifespan.

Check the food packaging for "best before" or "use by" dates and further storage instructions.

Acrylamide in starchy food


There's evidence to show acrylamide can cause cancer.


  • Go for gold: aim for a golden yellow colour, or lighter, when baking, toasting, roasting or frying starchy foods like potatoes, root vegetables and bread.
  • 检查包:在油炸或加热包装食品(例如薯条,烤土豆和欧洲防风草案)时仔细遵循烹饪说明。这些说明是为了帮助您正确烹饪产品,因此您不会在太长时间或温度太高的情况下煮淀粉食品。
  • 吃多种多样的均衡饮食:虽然我们不能完全避免食品中的丙烯酰胺等风险,但这将有助于降低您的癌症风险。这包括在淀粉碳水化合物上添加餐每天5. Avoid frying or roasting potatoes and root vegetables. Instead, boil or steam them as this will both reduce your risk of acrylamide and cut down on fat.

