
怀孕时,您有很多问题。我们每周的怀孕指南包含许多有用的信息。从体内发生的事情到婴儿的发展方式,以及有关健康怀孕的技巧和建议 - 这是您的一站式怀孕指南!

1st trimester

Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is full of essential information. From early pregnancy symptoms to how your baby is growing and developing, you'll find it all here.

第4周 - 您的第一个孕期

What's happening in my body?



Am I pregnant?

Wondering when to take a pregnancy test? Some of the home tests can tell you if you're pregnant after about 3 and a half weeks – and are 99% accurate.

Early pregnancy symptoms (at 4 weeks)


在您的第一个孕期,直到week 12,您可能会遇到:

  • 错过的时期(通常是怀孕的第一个迹象之一)
  • a metallic taste in your mouth
  • 乳房酸痛
  • nausea - also known as morning sickness, although you can experience it at any time (阅读有关第6周孕吐的信息
  • 疲倦
  • 新食物喜欢和不喜欢
  • 闻起来更高
  • 需要更频繁地撒尿
  • 阴道的乳白色妊娠排出
  • light spotting as the fertilised egg burrows into your uterus (see your doctor if you get bleeding during pregnancy)
  • 抽筋,有点像时期的痛苦
  • darkened skin on your face or brown patches – this is known as chloasma faciei or the “mask of pregnancy”
  • 较厚,更亮的头发
  • bloating (read about dealing with bloating in week 10



Your baby, or embryo, is about 2mm long (about the size of a poppy seed) and growing rapidly in your womb. It's protected by an amniotic sac, which is filled with cushioning fluid, and attached to a tiny yolk sac that provides all the nourishment it needs. The outer layer will later develop into the placenta and provide your baby with oxygen and nutrients.

Action stations

与您的全科医生分享新闻,或在您的医生手术中与助产士进行预约。另外,您可以将自己推荐给当地医院 - 在其网站上查找联系方式。

您需要安排一个预约预约。This usually takes place between weeks 8 and 12, and takes around an hour. You can talk about the options for your pregnancy and the birth. Plus you'll be offered screening tests for infectious diseases, and conditions such as Down's syndrome. You could ask about the产妇转型计划以及它如何使您受益。

You will get your firstdating scan在8-14周。


向您的助产士或医生询问有关在线产前课程的信息 - 他们可能会推荐一个。慈善机构汤米(Tommy's)有很多有用的信息产前课程并为您准备出生。


Do your best to停止吸烟,,,,give up alcohol然后轻松享用茶,咖啡和其他咖啡因。向您的助产士或全科医生询问支持。


To keep bones and muscles healthy, we need vitamin D. From late March/early April to the end of September, most people make enough vitamin D from sunlight on their skin. However, between October and early March, consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement because we cannot make enough from sunlight. Some people should take a vitamin D supplement all year round - find out if this applies to you在NH18新利在线娱乐官网S网站上。您只需要10微克(对于成年人和孩子来说都是一样的)。检查您是否有权游离维生素


建议你怀孕时每周进行150分钟的运动。You could start off with just 10 minutes of daily exercise - perhaps take a brisk walk outside. Check outSport England's #StayInWorkOutonline exercises (scroll to the pregnancy section). Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.



How are you today? If you're feeling anxious or low, then talk to your midwife or doctor. They can point you in the right direction to get all the support that you need. You could also discuss your worries with your partner, friends and family. You may be worried about your relationship, or money, or having somewhere permanent to live. Don't keep it to yourself. It's important that you ask for help if you need it.


  • read政府有关如何从Covid-19保持安全的指导
  • 得到NHS advice about COVID-19
  • 使用NHS Covid-19 App for England和Wales - 这是了解您何时接触Covid-19的最快方法
  • To find out about about COVID-19 and pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, have a look at advice on the:

  • NHS website
  • Breastfeeding Network
  • 世界卫生组织
  • Sign up now for our pregnancy, baby and toddler guide

    Get personalised emails for trusted NHS advice, videos and tips on your pregnancy week by week, birth and parenthood.
