crisped rice cereal with raisins and sliced pear

Cereal, raisins and pear fingers

A quick and easy breakfast – crisped rice cereal with whole milk, chopped raisins and pear slices for a finger food. When choosing your cereal, look out for the variety with the lowest sugar.

Age:10-12 mths

Serves:1 portion

Prep time:5 mins

Cooking time:n/a

Suitable for vegetarians?Y


  • 20g crisped rice cereal
  • 100ml full fat milk
  • 1/2 tbsp raisins, chopped
  • 1/4 small ripe soft pear, peeled and sliced into fingers

Give your baby a spoon to encourage them to feed themselves.


  1. Put the crisped rice cereal in a bowl, add whole milk and allow to soften.
  2. Chop the raisins and add to the cereal.
  3. Slice the pear into fingers – big enough for your baby to hold, with the top half poking out.
  4. Serve the cereal with the pear slices on the side (to encourage self-feeding).
Remember: peel the skin off fruit and vegetables as it can get stuck in the throat.

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