
pregnant woman sitting down
When you're pregnant, you have lots of questions. Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is packed with lots of useful information. From what's happening inside your body, to how your baby is developing, and tips and advice on having a healthy pregnancy – this is your one-stop pregnancy guide!

3rd trimester

Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is full of essential information. From advice on writing a birth plan to what to expect at antenatal classes, you'll find it all here.

第28周 - 您的第三个孕期





您的脚踝,脚和脸可能会膨胀一点,尤其是在热时。这可能是由于保水而造成的,但要检查出来,以防万一前宾夕法尼亚。This is a condition where you may feel perfectly well, but then your blood pressure can get dangerously high, very quickly.

休息可以帮助您的许多症状,因此请确保您得到很多症状。但是,如果您完全担心任何事情,请与您的助产士或医生交谈,或致电NHS 111。

3 ways to bust germs

Make sure you know about some of the harmful怀孕感染, so that you can do your best to avoid them.


  1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, particularly if you're in contact with children or nappies, as they could carry a virus called CMV (cytomegalovirus).

  2. 如果您有猫 - 清空猫垃圾托盘时戴上手套,或者请其他人处理。那是因为猫便便可以包含导致危险的错误toxoplasmosis infection。You should also wear gloves when gardening, in case you come into contact with animal poo.

  3. 如果你没有chickenpoxlet your doctor or midwife know if you come into contact with anyone who could be infectious. The disease can be spread up to 2 days before spots appear, until 5 days afterwards. It's safest for you when there are no new blisters or moist crusts on the spots.

If you're worried about coronavirus, have a look at the皇家产科医生和妇科医生的指导


Nosebleeds are common in pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, and can even strike when you're asleep. Here's what you can do:

  • 坐下或站起来 - 不要躺下
  • 将鼻子捏在鼻孔上方10至15分钟
  • lean forward and breathe through your mouth
  • 在鼻子顶部放一个冰袋(或用茶巾包裹的冷冻豌豆)

Read more tips for stopping nosebleeds.


You may start getting new symptoms now, such as nosebleeds and indigestion.



Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.

What does my baby look like?

Your baby, or foetus, is around 37.6cm long from head to heel, and weighs about 1kg. That's approximately the size of a pineapple, and the weight of a big bag of brown sugar.

宝宝的心律一直在改变。大约在第5周或第6周,当它首次可检测到,每分钟约110次(BPM)。然后在第9周和第10周飙升至170 bpm左右。

That's still a lot faster than your heart rate, which will be around 80 to 85 beats per minute. This is partly because babies' hearts are so small that they can't pump much blood, but they can make up for this by going faster. It also helps to keep them warm.

Your baby's heart can be heard through a stethoscope. Someone else might be able to hear it by putting an ear to your pregnant belly – give it a go, but it's tricky finding the right spot.

Action stations

现在是时候弄清楚宝宝睡觉的地方了,最好在您开始用尽能量之前更早而不是稍后这样做。您的宝宝会在婴儿床上花费大量时间,因此请确保安全。如果您要购买新的婴儿床,请寻找英国标准BS EN 716-1。Read more about what you need for your baby.

This week you could also...

You havematernity rights。您可以要求对工作场所进行风险评估,以确保您在安全的环境中工作。您不应该举起沉重的事情,您可能需要额外的休息时间和坐下的地方。您也可以在有偿工作时间内参加产前约会。

现在是调整骨盆底肌肉的好时机。笑,打喷嚏或咳嗽时,轻柔的锻炼可以帮助防止泄漏。假装自己有尿液,然后停止中流,从而使肌肉延伸。Visit Tommy’s for more ideas about pelvic floor exercises.

Ask your midwife or doctor about online antenatal classes – they start around now. The charity Tommy's has lots of useful information on产前课程并为您准备出生。

即使您以前有孩子,他们仍然值得去,因为您可以遇到其他准父母。这NCT offers online antenatal classeswith small groups of people that live locally to you.

尽力而为stop smoking,give up alcohol在茶,咖啡和其他咖啡因上轻松享用。如果需要,请您的助产士或全科医生提供支持。

To keep bones and muscles healthy, we need vitamin D. From late March/early April to the end of September, most people make enough vitamin D from sunlight on their skin. However, between October and early March, you should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement because we cannot make enough from sunlight.

有些人应该全年服用维生素D补充剂,find out if this applies to you on the NHS website.You just need 10 micrograms (it's the same for grown-ups and kids).Check if you're entitled to free vitamins

建议你do 150 minutes of exercise a week while pregnant。您可以从每天只有10分钟的时间开始 - 也许在外面步行一次。查看Sport England's #StayInWorkOut在线练习(滚动到怀孕部分)。听你的身体,做适合你的事情。


尝试和吃得健康有大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜,避免加工,脂肪和咸食物。您可能可以通过牛奶,水果和蔬菜获得免费Healthy Start scheme



Getting pregnant again is probably the last thing on your mind. However now is a good time to start planningwhat type of contraception宝宝出生后,您想使用。再次怀孕可能比您意识到的要早,并且已经知道婴儿之间的差距太短会引起问题。与您的全科医生或助产士交谈以帮助您决定。



  • government guidance on how to stay safe from COVID-19
  • 得到NHS关于Covid-19的建议
  • 使用NHSCOVID-19 app for England and Wales – it's the fastest way of knowing when you've been exposed to COVID-19
  • 要了解有关Covid-19和怀孕,分娩和母乳喂养的信息,请查看有关:

  • NHSwebsite
  • 母乳喂养网络
  • World Health Organization
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