


Ramipril is a type of medicine called an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor.


When will I feel better?

如果您要参加Ramiprilhigh blood pressure or after a心脏病发作,您可能没有任何症状。在这些情况下,当您服用Ramipril时,您可能没有任何不同。这并不意味着药物不起作用。继续服用很重要。

Ramipril starts to work within a few hours to reduce high blood pressure, but it may take a few weeks for full effect.

如果您要参加Ramiprilheart failure, it may take weeks, even months, before you feel better.






Stopping ramipril may cause your blood pressure to rise. This may increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

If you're bothered by side effects, your doctor may be able to prescribe you a different medicine.

Can I stop taking ramipril now my blood pressure is lower?

Even if ramipril has successfully lowered your blood pressure, it's best to carry on taking it.



Remember, by keeping your blood pressure low, you're protecting yourself against having a心脏病发作或者中风在将来。

How does ramipril compare with other medicines for high blood pressure?

There are several other angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor medicines that work in the same way as ramipril. They include依那普利,lisinoprilperindopril.

There are also lots of other types of medicines that lower your blood pressure:


This will usually be a medicine called an angiotensin receptor blocker, such ascandesartan,irbesartan,losartan或者valsartan.


拉米普里和其他ACE抑制剂(例如依那普利,lisinoprilperindoprilwhen you take it to lower blood pressure and for heart failure. The side effects are also similar to those of other ACE inhibitors.

There are a few differences between ramipril and other ACE inhibitors.

Ramipril is officially approved to be used for reducing the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but other ACE inhibitors may not be.


Can I take ramipril before surgery?

Tell your doctor that you're taking ramipril if you're going to be put to sleep for an operation or are going to have a major operation, such as a caesarean section, without a general anaesthetic.

Ramipril can reduce your blood pressure when it's used with ageneral anaesthetic.




Will it affect my contraception?

Ramipril will not affect any type of contraception.

But some types of hormonal methods of contraception, such as thecombined pillcontraceptive patch, are not usually recommended if you have high blood pressure.


If ramipril makes you sick (vomit) or have severe diarrhoea for more than 24 hours, your contraceptive pills may not protect you from pregnancy. Look on the pill packet to find out what to do.


Can I drive or ride a bike?

Ramipril can cause blurred vision and make some people feel dizzy, especially when they first start taking it or after taking a bigger dose.


If you’ve had a中风或者a心脏病发作那可能对您开车可能不安全。



Find out more about the law on driving:

Can I drink alcohol while taking ramipril?

Drinking alcohol can increase the effect of ramipril, so that it lowers your blood pressure too much, which can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded.

During the first few days of taking ramipril or after your dose increases, it's best to stop drinking alcohol until you see how the medicine affects you.



Do not use salt substitutes such as Lo-Salt. This is because they're high in potassium. When mixed with ramipril, they may make the level of potassium in your blood too high.

The are no other foods or drinks you need to avoid while taking ramipril.

Eating well can help if you have high blood pressure or heart failure.



These will also help if you havehigh blood pressure或者heart failure.

  • Quit smoking- 吸烟会增加您的心率和血压。戒烟会减轻您的血压并缓解心力衰竭症状。尽量避免二手烟。
  • 减少酒精- 随着时间的推移,喝过多的酒精会升高血压。这也使心力衰竭更糟。尝试遵守每周不超过14个单位酒精的推荐准则。一杯标准的葡萄酒(175毫升)为2个单位。一品脱的啤酒通常是2至3个单位的酒精。
  • Exercise– regular exercise lowers blood pressure by keeping your heart and blood vessels in good condition. It does not need to be too energetic – walking every day will help.
  • 18luck fyi- 旨在吃包括大量水果和蔬菜,全麦,无脂或低脂乳制品和瘦蛋白质的饮食。遵循这些是个好主意tips for a lower salt diet, too. Eating too much salt is the biggest cause of high blood pressure. The more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure will be. Aim for no more than 6g of salt a day.
  • Deal withstress– when you're anxious or upset, your heart beats faster, you breathe more heavily and your blood pressure often goes up. This can make heart failure worse, too. Find ways to reduce stress in your life. To give your heart a rest, try napping or putting your feet up when possible. Spend time with friends and family to be social and help avoid stress.
  • Vaccinations– if you have heart failure, it's recommended that you have a流感疫苗每年和肺炎疫苗接种(也称为pneumococcal vaccine)一次。向您的医生询问这些疫苗。您可以在NHS上免费提供它们。冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫苗接种is recommended for most people. Make sure you've had all the doses that you are eligible for. Talk to your doctor if you think you might be in one of the at risk groups.

Page last reviewed: 8 December 2021