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Co-codaprin (aspirin and codeine)


  1. 关于共二吡啶
  2. 关键事实
  3. 谁能也不能服用联合二吡啶
  4. How and when to take co-codaprin
  5. Taking co-codaprin with other painkillers
  6. 副作用
  7. How to cope with side effects of co-codaprin
  8. 怀孕和哺乳
  9. 警告其他药物
  10. Common questions about co-codaprin

1. About co-codaprin

Co-codaprin is a mixture of 2 different painkillers:aspirincodeine

它用于治疗疼痛和痛苦,包括headaches, muscular pain,migrainetoothache。 It can also be used to treat the symptoms of感冒flu

阿司匹林属于一组名为non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)。


通常是在日常止痛药时服用的paracetamol,ibuprofen和aspirin alone, have not worked.

This medicine comes as tablets. It's available on prescription. Co-codaprin is available without a prescription, but only from a pharmacy.


  • 联合二快乐是阿司匹林和可待因的另一个名称。
  • 如果您从药房购买联合二快乐,并且三天后您的疼痛不会更好,请务必向医生提供有关持续缓解疼痛的建议。
  • It's possible to become addicted to the codeine in this medicine if you take it for too long. Only take it when you need it for pain relief.
  • It's best to take co-codaprin with or just after eating food. You'll be less likely to get mild indigestion or stomach pain. These are common side effects of co-codaprin.
  • 除非他们的医生开处方,否则切勿给16岁以下的儿童共同二p。这是因为它含有阿司匹林,这可能会对儿童产生严重的副作用。

3. Who can and cannot take co-codaprin

Who can take co-codaprin

Most people aged 16 years old and over can safely take co-codaprin. But co-codaprin is not suitable for some people. 

阿司匹林在共同二磷蛋白和雷耶综合症in children. Reye's syndrome is a very rare condition that can cause serious liver and brain damage.


重要的:Children under 16 years


Who may not be able to take co-codaprin



Follow the instructions that come with your medicine. This is particularly important because the codeine in co-codaprin can be addictive.

Dosage and strength

The strength of co-codaprin appears as 2 numbers on the packet, for example, as 8/400. This means it contains 8mg of codeine and 400mg of aspirin.



The maximum dose is 8 tablets in 24 hours.

The usual dose for teenagers aged 16 to 18 years old is the same. They should not have co-codaprin, however, if they have had their tonsils or adenoids taken out to treat obstructive sleep apnoea.


Do not take more than 8 co-codaprin tablets in 24 hours.

How to take it

Swallow co-codaprin tablets whole with a drink of water. It's best to take them with or just after food.

How long to take it for


If your doctor has prescribed co-codaprin for you, follow their advice carefully.

If you take too much


If this happens, wait at least 24 hours before you take any more. Taking more than this can be dangerous.



Urgent advice:立即联系111以获取建议,如果:

  • 您服用的比通常的二碳酸二捷克剂量更多,感到困倦,生病或头晕目眩

Go to111.nhs.uk或者call111

If you need to go toA&E不要开车自己。让其他人开车或打电话给救护车。

Take the co-codaprin packet, or the leaflet inside it, plus any remaining medicine with you.

需要立即采取行动:Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • 您服用过多的共同二快乐,呼吸困难

5. Taking co-codaprin with other painkillers


Do not take co-codaprin with any other medicines that containcodeine

也不要与任何其他非甾体类抗炎药一起服用(NSAIDS) includingaspirin,ibuprofen或者萘普生。如果您一起使用NSAID,它可能会增加您获得副作用的机会stomach ache或流血。

These painkillers are often included in medicines you can buy from pharmacies. For example, Nurofen or Nurofen Plus, or cough and cold remedies such as Nurofen Cold & Flu or Beechams Powders.


Before taking any other medicines, check the label to see if they contain codeine, aspirin, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs.

6. Side effects

Like all medicines, co-codaprin can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them. Many people have no side effects or only minor ones.

Common side effects


  • mildindigestion
  • feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting)
  • 便秘
  • 感到困倦
  • bleeding more easily than normal – because aspirin thins your blood, it can sometimes make you bleed more easily (for example, you may get流鼻血, bruise more easily and, if you cut yourself, the bleeding may take longer than normal to stop)
  • dizziness andvertigo(一种旋转的感觉)
  • headaches

Serious side effects



  • a change in your normal heart rate (slower or faster) and you feel dizzy or very tired – these can be signs of a heart problem
  • a fit or seizure
  • difficulty breathing or short, shallow breathing
  • 肌肉的僵硬
  • feeling faint when you stand up or sit quickly – this can be a sign oflow blood pressure
  • coughing up blood or blood in your pee, poo or vomit
  • dark pee or the whites of your eyes turn yellow – this can be a sign of liver problems
  • 您的手和脚疼痛的关节 - 这可能是血液中高水平尿酸的标志
  • swollen hands or feet – this can be a sign of a build-up of fluid in your body


在极少数情况下,可能会有严重的过敏反应(过敏反应) to co-codaprin.

需要立即采取行动:Call 999 or go to A&E now if:
  • you get a skin rash that may include itchy, red, swollen, blistered or peeling skin
  • you're wheezing
  • you get tightness in the chest or throat
  • you have trouble breathing or talking
  • 你的嘴,脸,嘴唇,舌头或喉咙开始肿胀


These are not all the side effects of co-codaprin. For a full list, see the leaflet inside your medicine packet.




7. How to cope with side effects of co-codaprin


  • mild indigestion- 用食物或饭后服用联合二邻糖。如果消化不良仍然没有消失,则可能表明二快乐会导致胃溃疡。 Talk to your doctor, as they may prescribe something to protect your stomach or switch you to a different medicine.
  • feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting)– take co-codaprin with or just after a meal or snack. Feelings of sickness should normally wear off after a few days. Talk to your doctor about taking an anti-sickness medicine if it carries on for longer.
  • 便秘- 将更多的纤维纳入您的饮食中,例如新鲜水果,蔬菜和谷物。每天尝试喝几杯水或其他非酒精液体。如果可以的话,它也可能有助于提高您的锻炼水平。
  • 感到困倦或疲倦- 如果您有这种感觉,请勿开车,骑自行车或使用工具或机械。不要喝任何酒精,因为这会让您感到疲倦。
  • bleeding more easily than normal- 在进行可能造成伤害或削减的活动时要小心,因为任何出血都可能比平常更长。
  • dizziness and vertigo- 如果您感到头晕或不稳定,请停止所做的事情,坐下或躺下,直到感觉好转为止。如果您感到头晕目眩,请勿开车,骑自行车或使用工具或机械。不要喝酒,因为它会让您感到更糟。
  • headaches– make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. It's best not to drink too much alcohol. Talk to your doctor if the headaches last longer than a week or are severe.

8. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Co-codaprin and pregnancy



Co-codaprin and breastfeeding


对于大多数女性来说,最好服用paracetamol或者ibuprofenfor pain or a high temperature while you're breastfeeding.

Non-urgent advice:告诉您的医生,如果您是:

  • 试图怀孕
  • 哺乳

For more information about how pain relief can help you during pregnancy,访问怀孕(BUMP)网站上最佳使用药物





It's not possible to say thatherbal remedies或者supplements are safe to take with co-codaprin.

They are not tested in the same way as pharmacy and prescription medicines. They're generally not tested for the effect they have on other medicines.





Co-codaprin containsaspirincodeine。These 2 painkillers work in different ways to relieve pain.

阿司匹林属于一组名为non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

If you have been hurt or have an infection, your body makes hormones called prostaglandins. The prostaglandins cause swelling and sometimes a high temperature, and they send pain signals to the brain.


Aspirin stops your body making prostaglandins, and this reduces the pain, swelling and high temperature.



When will I feel better?

Co-codaprin takes up to 1 hour to work. It keeps on working for about 4 hours.


If you've bought co-codaprin from a pharmacy, do not use it for more than 3 days. If your pain has not gone away, talk to your pharmacist or doctor.

If your doctor has prescribed co-codaprin for you, follow their advice.

Depending on why you're taking it, you may need to take it for a few days or weeks at most – for example, if you're in pain after an injury or operation.




You're unlikely to become addicted if you follow your doctor's advice carefully about how long to take it for.

If you have bought co-codaprin at a pharmacy, follow the instructions that come with the medicine and only take it for up to 3 days at a time. If your pain is not better after 3 days, it's important to ask your doctor for advice about ongoing pain relief.

How will I know if I'm addicted?



Talk to your doctor if you're worried about addiction.

Can I take co-codaprin for a long time?

It's not usually recommended to take co-codaprin that you have bought from a pharmacy for longer than 3 days.


That way there's less chance that you'll get unwanted side effects like stomach ache.

If you need to take co-codaprin for longer than 3 days, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.


Not necessarily.Paracetamol,ibuprofen,aspirincodeine都是有效的止痛药。

Some painkillers work better than others for certain pains. For example, the best painkiller to ease your headache may not be the best one for your backache.

Try taking one of these painkillers before trying co-codaprin to see if it helps your pain:

  • Paracetamol可以缓解大多数类型的疼痛。它通常用于轻度或中度疼痛。对于头痛,牙痛,扭伤,胃痛和神经疼痛,可能比阿司匹林更好。
  • 布洛芬与阿司匹林类似的方式工作。它可用于背痛,菌株和扭伤,以及关节炎的疼痛。这也适合牙痛和时期疼痛。
  • Aspirinmay be better than paracetamol for some pains, such as period pain or migraines. But if you have heavy periods, aspirin can make them heavier. Some people find aspirin better than paracetamol for back pain.
  • 可待因只有仅如果仅有效,只有阿司匹林,布洛芬或扑热息痛就可以使用。这是因为它用于治疗中度至严重的疼痛 - 例如,手术或受伤后。
Can I drive or ride a bike with it?


当您首次开始服用共同二磷蛋白时,这可能更有可能发生,但可能随时发生 - 例如,开始另一种药物时。




Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you're unsure whether it's safe for you to drive while taking co-codaprin.





Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?




Will it affect my contraception?

Co-codaprin does not affect any type of contraception, including the混合药或者紧急避孕






These include breathing difficulties, heart problems, fits or seizures, and even going into a coma.

Some recreational drugs, such as cannabis, make you more likely to have side effects from the codeine. These include sleepiness and dizziness.

Taking heroin while you're on prescribed co-codaprin is especially dangerous. You're more likely to get all the side effects of the codeine in co-codaprin, including addiction.

Speak to your doctor if you think you might take recreational drugs while taking co-codaprin.