Mental health and pregnancy

How are you feeling today? Good mental health before, during, and after your baby is born is vital. Your mental health is as important as your physical health – but it's easy to overlook when there is so much going on.

pregnant woman

Looking after yourself

Just as you are planning your baby's arrival, you can also plan to look after yourself during your pregnancy. Tommy's‘You are your baby's mum’tool helps you create a wellbeing plan for your pregnancy and after your baby is born.

If you'd like help and information on taking care of yourself specifically during pregnancy, have a look at Tommy'smental wellbeingpage.

Share your worries

It's normal to have some worries during pregnancy, but if you're concerned about how you're feeling, you can always talk to your midwife or doctor. They will point you in the right direction for all the support that you need, without judgment.

You can also share any concerns with your partner, friends or family. You may be anxious about your relationship, money, health, or how you'll cope when your baby is born. Whatever you're worried about, don't bottle it up – you are important and there is help available if you need it.

Further help and support

For more advice and tips on coping with emotional changes, stress and anxiety during (and after) pregnancy, have a look at:

Tommy's:Emotional changes in pregnancy

The NHS website:Mental health problems and pregnancy

PANDAS:Information and support for parents affected by perinatal mental illness

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